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Forever Together meeting to bring comfort healing and peace
What people have said about the meeting:-

What a fantastic way to spend our Saturday... loved every minute of your talk... so fascinating and left us with much to digest and think over... thank you  for such an informative day you have done brill... don’t leave the next one too long please... much love xxxxx Wendy Roberts Gill

Thank you to you all for a wonderful day my mind is ticking over a lot to take in thank you so much can’t wait for next one Sharon Griffiths

Thank you so much Trinity. You certainly gave us so much to think about. You only scratched the surface of function of the mind. You gave me the ability to look at the world with a different perspective. The fact that you can provide evidence of an eternal soul goes beyond words. I certainly hope and look forward to attending any more seminars you hold. Xxx Tracy Jones

We all really enjoyed it, thank you so very very much, gave us all an awful lot to think about, looking forward to next ones now lol xxx Barbara Pheoni

Transition from grief to healing

What the workshop covers

Definition and stages of grief which I am sure we have all experienced ?

Bringing understanding who we truly are, through knowledge, science and eradicating scepticism with ground breaking research proving consciousness (you) continues on and takes away the fear of death.

Understanding how it is possible to continue communication with loved ones who have passed over and how they can still bring their guidance and love to help us.

Michael has asked Trinity to share his story so that it can help bring you hope and ease your pain of grief. Showing how Michael has contacted Trinity on many occasions since his passing on Christmas day 2017. through, many mediums and devices.. All validated with proof and testimonials. Proving he is safe and happy and he will be there to meet her when she makes her transition.

Trinity cannot ease the physical loss but through the workshop Trinity (A qualified Counsellor) can help alleviate some of the feelings that come with grief and give you another perspective in helping you to heal.

There will also be a demonstration of mediumship

Attendace will be £40 from 10am till 4pm (Includes refreshments). Bring a packed lunch. To attend the workshops please email  whereby a list of dates of workshops will be provided.